Let's dress up (AND) In the net /
Jinks, Jenny.
Let's dress up (AND) In the net / Jenny Jinks ; illustrated by Lindsay Scott. - First. - Maverick Arts Pub, 2019. - 32 p. : 210 x150 mm. 94 gm. - Early reader .
Two simple stories about a group of friends playing together, levelled at book band pink.
Easy Readers.
9781848866126 (pbk.) : �5.99
Fancy dress.
Let's dress up (AND) In the net / Jenny Jinks ; illustrated by Lindsay Scott. - First. - Maverick Arts Pub, 2019. - 32 p. : 210 x150 mm. 94 gm. - Early reader .
Two simple stories about a group of friends playing together, levelled at book band pink.
Easy Readers.
9781848866126 (pbk.) : �5.99
Fancy dress.