Signing everyday phrases
Flodin, Mickey
Signing everyday phrases - Perigee 1996 - 256p.
Includes index
Written with everybody in mind, this handy reference on signing will be particularly useful to anyone who has to come into contact with the public, for example: medical staff, the police and fire services, and those working in the catering industry.
9780399522369 0399522360
American sign language--Terms and phrases
419 FLO
Signing everyday phrases - Perigee 1996 - 256p.
Includes index
Written with everybody in mind, this handy reference on signing will be particularly useful to anyone who has to come into contact with the public, for example: medical staff, the police and fire services, and those working in the catering industry.
9780399522369 0399522360
American sign language--Terms and phrases
419 FLO